Web Mystery - Web Development Blog
Hello, my name is Andrey, and this is my personal blog. At the very beginning of my career, I called "Web mysteries" things behaviour of which I couldn't explain. As it came with experience, everything happens for a reason - you just need to take more time on learning, debugging or googling the issue. This blog was initially meant to explain such "mysteries" and save time of the readers, but in fact contains general articles split into 3 categories: Front End, Drupal and Tools. Welcome!
Drupal and Vtiger CRM integration modules
The first version of the Vtiger CRM module for Drupal has been finally released. It contains basic integration features and currently supports one-side import (from Drupal to Vtiger). The module set is divided into several submodules that include separated pieces of functionality.
How to Build a RESTful API for a Front-end Framework with Drupal 7
JavaScript frameworks gained big popularity during the last few years, and some people truly believe that server-generated front-end is no longer an option.
How to Run a Cordova Application and Bring to Foreground on a GCM Notification
In the previous post, I tried to explain how to set up, receive and handle push notifications in a Cordova application.
How to Make GCM Push Notifications in a Cordova Android Application
I guess you know perfectly well how your smart-phone reacts to news emails, IMs or anything else that needs your attention. Typically, it's a sound notification followed by a message appearing on your phone's top bar (or even on lock screen on Android 5+ devices).
How to switch between different Node.js versions on Linux
Hi again. Few days ago, I tried to install a node.js framework and ended up with an error saying that my current node version did not fit the minimum requirements. Updating was not an option since it would break the compatibility with the project I'm currently working on.
Moving from Windows 8.1. to Ubuntu. Picking Software Alternatives
Hey, what's up? Sorry for my absence again, had many tasks to do again, but hope now I'll be post on my blog weekly.
Sticky Headers with Pure JavaScript
At the end of the last week, I had another exciting task – implementing sticky headers within a scrollable element. Headers had to change dynamically when a user scrolls over the data back and forth.
How to Set up a Custom Drupal Commerce Payment Method and Restrict it for a Certain User Role
Hello there! Sorry for not writing for so long, had been quite busy for the last couple of weeks. Yesterday I had a task to set up a sort of cashless payment method for a certain users and generate monthly reports for orders made with this payment method.
Drupal Development with Vagrant and VDD on Windows: Getting Started
For a long time, I was working with OpenServer, a WAMP stack, which is actually good for a beginner. As my understanding of development details grew, the limitations and incompatibilities of Windows were becoming more and more annoying.
Commerce Order Reminder – send automatic reminders of uncompleted orders on your Drupal website
Commerce Order Reminder is my first full project at Drupal.org that sends automatic email reminders of the orders that have not been completed.